Thursday, May 31, 2012


Welcome Summer!!

Plans for our monthly Poets Nite and After-School Arts Program are proceeding apace.

We're still waiting for a definitive opening date for our preferred venue, The Greenwich Odeum on Main Street in East Greenwich, RI.  Pending that opening, we are proceeding with plans to debut Poets Nite in September.

Our Plan B is the East Greenwich Armory, ironically located just across the street from the Odeum.

We're also looking forward to including the founders and members of the Origami Poems project, also based in East Greenwich.  They have been actively promoting poetry for the past three years.

Check them out at

Rhode Island Poet Laureate Emeritus Tom Chandler is expected to help us kick-off this new poetry event.

Tom Chandler
Poet Laureate of Rhode Island Emeritus 

Friday, January 27, 2012


Preparations for POETS NITE are progressing.

There are several stages to this process.  Please feel free to comment and make suggestions to any and/or all of these draft process proposals.

1- Detailed description of the contents of the POETS NITE monthly event experience.
2- List of proposed performers, participants, and featurettes.
3- Design and develop a comprehensive marketing and publicity campaign, including posters, flyers, social media, program booklets, launching of a POETS & WRITERS bi-annual journal, premiere show, ticket sales, six-show ticket packages, cross-sell to travel and tourism companies, cross-sell to regional writer's workshops and classes, mass media press releases and artist feature story proposals, broadcast media press releases and availability of artists for appearances and talk shows.
4- Design and scheduling of interviews, proposals, poet auditions, and acapella group auditions for the first three POETS NITE events.
5- Design and contents of Program Booklet.
6- Launch of POETS NITE blog, POETS NITE Facebook page, and RSS feed.

Watch this blog for dates and times of planning meetings.


Thursday, January 26, 2012


The Greenwich Odeum, a fabled East Greenwich, RI vaudeville theater built in 1926, will be the future home of a monthly Poets Nite. Since its construction as the The Greenwich Theater, is has hosted traveling vaudeville acts, turned to showing movies, and closed in 1990. In 1993, the theater was re-opened as a community theater. It was closed several years after the tragic Station Night Club fire led to a re-writing of the state's fire laws for public venues.

Now, with a new board of directors and a complete renovation of the fire systems, seating, and interior spaces, the theater is scheduled to re-open to the public March 31, 2012.

A poets group, founded by Eve Leilou Colon, inspired the development of this new monthly Poets Nite at the theater, bringing new writing, poetry, and music to this historical building located on the main street of this South County town. 

The first Poets Nite will launch in April.  Stay tuned for a further announcement of the date and time.  

Need more information?  Follow us on Facebook.